While cannabis seeds essentially contain no cannabinoids, cannabinoids are found in higher concentrations in cannabis flowers, leaves, and stalks.
Those looking to experience cannabis's beneficial effects often turn to cannabis flower, which can be smoked or extracted into tinctures and edibles, and more.
Cannabis strains high in THC may produce a high and may be used for medical purposes, like pain management. Strains low in THC but higher in other cannabinoids, like cannabidiol (CBD), may also produce beneficial effects but won't get you high.
Hemp, or cannabis with less than 0.3 percent THC, can also be grown to create other kinds of products, including:
Paper, oil, fuel, clothing, textiles, animal feed plastic, food products, such as hemp seed, hemp milk, hemp protein powder, hemp oil, hemp wash, and a variety of household uses.
Because hemp grows faster than trees and other crops, it's considered a more environmentally sustainable way of making products like paper and textiles. That makes sense, and Siesta G sees a new wave of incoming uses.
Even Hemp seed is making waves in new diet trends as it is pretty nutritious, as it's a complete protein high in fiber.